Flash Flood - Major Update

The first in line to be updated is the User Interface. 

As seen in the image, it was decided to go down a challenge / level root, where the player will earn stars based on their performance. The infinite mode was renamed to Endless and pushed to another tab. Initially, this was because I wanted quick access to the levels. Each level was given locking mechanisms based either on certain levels completed or player experience gained.

While designing the first level, I discovered quite late that I was passing on a great opportunity to create tutorials and gradually introduce the player to each of the available mechanics, abilities, and other features. To give more control and disrupt the player as little as possible, these tutorial elements were introduced using signs. When in front of a sign, a popup will appear at the bottom of the screen with a message that the player may read. The signs, of course, can be skipped however each of them will come with its own obstacle to ensure the player knows what to do.

Throughout each level, the player is guided by what I call "Lures", showing them where to go. To make lures more appealing to collect, each one provides the player with a single coin while the normal gold coins have been bumped up to provide 25 coins.

To ensure the game, has enough design possibilities a number of new mechanics have been introduced to the game:

  • Vines: Allowing the player to climb up and down. The initial corgi ladder script was extended so that it is possible to force the character to look in a certain direction.

  • Pushable Mushroom: This object uses corgi's pushable script along with a character modifier trigger. The character modifier changes the characters attributes on enter, exit, and stay. In this example, the modifier affects the player by changing their jump height so that it's about 1.5x the normal strength, allowing the player to jump really high only when standing on top of the mushroom.

  • While within a level are two types of trigger that may be used. 

  1. A "Trigger Zone" is completely invisible to the player and is triggered when they either enter, exit, and or stay in the zone. Once triggered an MMFeedbacks will then be played which will then trigger -well whatever I want. (MMFeedbacks are a god send)
  2. A "Triggering Crystal", is object health and when destroyed it will trigger its death feedbacks. The crystal is also equipped with an auto-respawn and can revive itself. The triggering crystal does the same thing as a trigger zone but its up to the player to find and trigger it.

  • Moving Platforms: The moving platforms use MMPathMovement and have been improved to allow for splines and other gizmos:

  • Portals: Exactly as the name says, they teleport the player from one location to another. The destination portal can be inactive where the player must then find a triggering crystal to reactivate it. Portals can come in different colors.

Maybe there will be more features to come?

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